Friday, October 24, 2008

12 days to go

In 12 days I will be on this beautiful lanai looking at the Pacific Ocean from the Isle of Hawaii. I have been planning this trip for about a year and half, and it's almost here. I really need some rest and relaxation. And knitting time.

That being said I have spent a lot of time trying to decide what to bring to knit. I have lots of airplane time to and fro, plus while I'm on Hawaii. I won't be knitting by the pool or at the beach, but at night while relaxing I need a little something.
So here is what I'm bringing:
  1. A pair of house socks for my father-in-law.

  2. Scarf for my Dad. The poor guy needs a new scarf. Nothing fancy, but something along the lines of my comfy scarf (Ravelry link), but made from acrylic, so he can throw it in the washer. He uses it at dialysis to keep his neck warm.

  3. Leaf T-shirt (Ravelry) in red for myself. Knit in the round and seems pretty easy.

  4. Some wash clothes and a back scrubber for a co-worker.
I think that's about it. This should tide me over for two weeks. Lets face it, I'm not knitting while driving in a convertible in Hawaii. That just seems silly to me. Besides, JB thinks if we get into an accident, God forbid, he will be impaled on my knitting needles. He's crazy obviously.

Maybe I'll throw an extra pair of socks in for myself. Just in case. I'll also have some books with me, one of which I just won from Jill at Romance Rookie. She was giving away a copy of The Darcys and the Bingleys. Jill reviews romance books of all kinds, and there are quite a few that look interesting. Who doesn't love a good romance book once in a while? I stumbled onto her site from someone else, and I'm glad I did.

I also downloaded two audio books I'm interested in as well. Two classics, Lady Audley's Secret and ....the other one is escaping at the moment. Either way, I think I have the important bases covered. Don't you agree?



  1. Sounds like you are ready! Have a wonderful time.

  2. Oh! This sounds like such fun. Most people don't seem to get as much knitting done as they think they will so you'll probably be just fine.

  3. Oh! This sounds like such fun. Most people don't seem to get as much knitting done as they think they will so you'll probably be just fine.

  4. I don't know why it posted twice.

  5. Oh my gosh! Hawaii! Cool! Awesome! I'm so glad for you! Make sure to take lots of pictures! I'd love to see a fun knitting shot like knitting a wash cloth in front of a waterfall. Ha! LOL! That would be so fun to see!

  6. I hope you have a wonderful time and trip!! JD is the opposite he wants me to knit in the car so I stop hitting my imaginary break on my side of the car : )

    I think you have all the basics covered, when I go home to WV I pack the knitting first and then clothes fit around that lol : )

  7. You are so very lucky! Hey did you catch the Phillies game last night? Do you think it's part of the Billy Penn curse?

  8. I am so dang jealous!!!! My daughter is actually there now as is one of our brides. I haven't been back to Hawaii in 3 years now and REALLY want to go. Please take lots of pics as you know I will want to live it virtually!!!!

    You will knit on the plane and then more than likely not pick up the sticks----- which of course is okey dokey!

    Which island are you going to, did I miss that???

  9. Sounds like fun and that's your prepared!! Hope you have a blast!!
