Hi everybody! Suzy Girl and I are currently attending a convention in Philly, so we are taking the blog on the road. Or at least as long as my battery holds up for today.
Very sad about the Phillies :( But what are you gonna do? At least they won the division which they haven't done in 14 years. So on to the rest of football season (Colts 4-0) and the start of hockey season. Go Flyers! Now on to more important stuff like knitting.
So Suzy Girl and I took a road trip to some LYS like 2 weeks ago. We had some extra time in our work day, since we are such hard workers, and went at lunch. After getting off the El at 5th & Market and taking in some history,

we went to Fabric row (4th street below South), and visited Sophie's Yarns. The shop is light, airy, spacious, and beautiful. Old wood floors, and a friendly owner. Nice selection too.

A lot of her yarn is Great Adirondack Yarns, which are beautiful and sometimes a little pricey. I always like the yarns that are $45 per skein. She does have other stuff as well, like I think some Rowan, Cascade, and others. Just go and look around. Please don't expect me to remember these important details 2 weeks later :) I can't remember what I did 2 days ago.
Anyway, I was able to find some beautiful, soft and reasonable yarn for a nice scarf though. It's Misti Alpaca, and it was $14 a skein. I got two for the scarf. Sophie had one of these scarves knitted up by her mom, and it was nice. Especially with the soft yarn. Sophie said this company is pretty new, and I believe she just started carrying it. The pattern for the scarf is a reversible, ribbed, seed stitch. Here is an old picture , since my scarf has grown since. I'll post that at another time.

I actually have the scarf in my bag as we speak, because you can't go to a convention without bringing some knitting with you :) Suzy bought some sock yarn yarn at Sophie's, but I'll leave that for her to post. She also brings some knitting with her to this convention. And guess what? It's another sock! Surprise surprise! She is obsessed and I love her for it. Okay well, my battery is getting low, and since my laptop is middle-aged, I have to go. I'll try and post more soon.
Love ya!